Fifteenth Season: 1962-63
Best Supporting Actress…………………. Meriem Graeber in “Arms and the Man”
Best Supporting Actor……………………. Dwight Bickel in “Life With Father”
Best Lead Actress………………………….. Betty Smith in “Anastasia”
Best Lead Actor…………………………….. Hal Knutson in “The Unguarded Hour”
Fourteenth Season: 1961-62
Best Supporting Actress…………………. Dede Gavin in “Chicken Every Sunday”
Best SupportingActor………………………Vaughn Price in “The Pleasure of His Company”
Best Lead Actress………………………….. Betty Smith in “Rain”
Best Lead Actor…………………………….. Bob Kirkpatrick in “Rain”
Thirteenth Season: 1960-61
Best Supporting Actress……………….. Nancy Wanlace in “The Crucible”
Best Supporting Actor………………….. (Tie) Phil Dolph in “The Crucible” AND
………………………………………………… John Woodworth in “The Great Sebastians”
Best Lead Actress……………………….. Fern Carroll in “Harvey”
Best Lead Actor…………………………… (Tie) Don Milne in “Gazebo” AND
………………………………………………… Jay Sherlock in “Harvey”
Twelfth Season: 1959-60
Best Supporting Actress……………… Pat Kirkpatrick in “Laura”
Best Supporting Actor……………….. Ed McKelligett in “Janus”
Best Lead Actress………………………. Beverly Milne in “Janus”
Best Lead Actor………………………… John Fairchild in “All My Sons”
Eleventh Season: 1958-59
Best Supporting Actress………………… Barbara Bickle in “See How They Run”
Best Supporting Actor………………….. John Fairchild in “Inherit the Wind”
Best Lead Actress………………………… Patricia Numbers in “Speaking of Murder”
Best Lead Actor…………………………… John Woodworth in “Visit to a Small Planet”
Tenth Season: 1957-58
Best Supporting Actress……………….. Beverly Milne in “Bus Stop”
Best Supporting Actor……………………Vaughn Price in “Reclining Figure”
Best Lead Actress………………………… Helen Bonnell in “The Rainmaker”
Best Lead Actor…………………………… Bill Langroise in “Reclining Figure”
Ninth Season: 1956-57
Best Supporting Actress……………. Nell Tregaskis in “The Heiress”
Best Supporting Actor………………. Fred Nelson in “The Remarkable Mr. Pennypacker”
Best Lead Actress…………………….. Nancy Richards in “The Heiress”
Best Lead Actor……………………….. Tom Wright in “The Teahouse of the August Moon”
“Lifetime Patron Membership” awarded to Paul Moehlmann, Sr. and Mrs. James McDonald, A.L. Troutner
Eighth Season: 1955-56
(Winners determined by anonymous judges from this season to present)
Best Supporting Actress…………… Betty Church in “Peg O’ My Heart”
Best Supporting Actor……………… Don Milne in “Peg O’ My Heart”
Best Lead Actress……………………. Beverly Craycroft in “Peg O’ My Heart”
Best Lead Actor……………………… Jim Branson in “My Three Angels”
Seventh Season: 1954-55
(Determined by votes at the picnic)
Second Best Actress……………………… Louise Thuneman in “The Country Girl”
Second Best Actor…………………………. Don Bish in “The Browning Version”
Best Actress…………………………………. Miriam Mucha in “Three Men On a Horse”
Best Actor……………………………………. Mel Dir in “The Man Who Came to Dinner”
Sixth Season: 1953-54
(Determined by votes at the picnic)
Second Best Jr. BLT Actress…………….. Ruthie Nelson in “Charley’s Aunt”
Second Best Jr. BLT Actor……………….. Neil Scott in “Gramercy Ghost”
Best Jr. BLT Actress……………………….. Tommy Stunz in “Gramercy Ghost”
Best Jr. BLT Actor………………………….. Roger Glasner in “Charley’s Aunt”
Second Best Actress……………………….. Dede Gavin in “Detective Story”
Second Best Actor………………………….. Jim Sorrels in “Detective Story”
Best Actress………………………………….. Marian Moehlman in “Happy Birthday”
Best Actor…………………………………….. Robert Miller in “Mr. Roberts”